
Simple on/off control of the extractor fan. Every time the state changes (on/off) an event is emitted to all listeners.


isOn static

currentState inner

Current state of the Fan (on/off)

currentState inner

Current state of the Fan (on/off)

FAN_DEF inner constant

Definitions for the fan.
Name Type Description
name string Unique fan name.
i2cPinOut number I2C pin number connected to the fan.

FAN_OFF: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch ON the pump.

FAN_ON: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch OFF the pump.

HEAT_DEF inner constant

Definitions for the fan.
Name Type Description
name string Unique fan name.
i2cPinOut number I2C pin number connected to the fan.

HEAT_OFF: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch ON the pump.

HEAT_ON: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch OFF the pump.


start() static

Add listener to kettle temp and emit fan events when switching on and off.

start() static

Add listener to kettle temp and emit fan events when switching on and off.

stop() static

Remove kettle temp listener and fan event.

stop() static

Remove kettle temp listener and fan event.

switchOff() static

Turn off the fan.
  • event:fanEvent

switchOn() static

Turn on the fan.
  • event:fanEvent

isOn() → boolean inner

setState(state) inner

Switch fan on or off
  1. state (number)  on or off

setState(state) inner

Switch fan on or off
  1. state (number)  on or off

tempKettleHandler(data) inner

Automatically switch on/off fan with temperature
  1. data (Object)  Data from sensor.
Simple on/off control of the extractor fan. Every time the state changes (on/off) an event is emitted to all listeners.


isOn static

currentState inner

Current state of the Fan (on/off)

currentState inner

Current state of the Fan (on/off)

FAN_DEF inner constant

Definitions for the fan.
Name Type Description
name string Unique fan name.
i2cPinOut number I2C pin number connected to the fan.

FAN_OFF: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch ON the pump.

FAN_ON: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch OFF the pump.

HEAT_DEF inner constant

Definitions for the fan.
Name Type Description
name string Unique fan name.
i2cPinOut number I2C pin number connected to the fan.

HEAT_OFF: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch ON the pump.

HEAT_ON: number inner constant

I2C value used to switch OFF the pump.


start() static

Add listener to kettle temp and emit fan events when switching on and off.

start() static

Add listener to kettle temp and emit fan events when switching on and off.

stop() static

Remove kettle temp listener and fan event.

stop() static

Remove kettle temp listener and fan event.

switchOff() static

Turn off the fan.
  • event:fanEvent

switchOn() static

Turn on the fan.
  • event:fanEvent

isOn() → boolean inner

setState(state) inner

Switch fan on or off
  1. state (number)  on or off

setState(state) inner

Switch fan on or off
  1. state (number)  on or off

tempKettleHandler(data) inner

Automatically switch on/off fan with temperature
  1. data (Object)  Data from sensor.